Cakes & Muffins Used to Fund College

Mario High School Graduation 2022
When Mario began his high school career, he thought he was simply on a mission to earn a high school diploma. He had hopes of continuing his education beyond high school, but he had no idea how he would cover his expenses.

Over the last couple of years, we have helped connect our students to trade school classes in their area. More than 500 students have not only been able to graduate with their high school diploma, but they have also been able to earn at least one trade school certificate.

Mario took full advantage of this opportunity, and learned how to bake, cook, and run a business. He is currently making cakes and muffins twice a week to sell in his community and throughout La Paz Centro. He also takes customized orders for special events and celebrations.

Since his high school graduation in December 2022, Mario has passed the college entrance exam and is starting a degree in agriculture. Unlike when he first began high school, Mario now knows exactly how to pay his college expenses- through his bakery’s income!

We are proud of Mario and love seeing his entrepreneurship shine through his business. He is a great example for students in the area to follow!

Megan Herrera, President

Mario Bakery Certificate

Mario Baking Products

Mario Baking Products

Mario Cooking Certificate