Literacy for All Ages

Meylin Nahomi Rojas Sanchez

Our scholarship students are incredible. Not only do they have the tough challenge of continuing their education, but they are also responsible for volunteering throughout the week. Some of our students help with the healthcare program, but most volunteer as teachers to help propel education programs in their communities.

You all have seen the pictures of our afternoon classes, or what we call colectivos. They all have adorable children sharing desks as they’re writing in their notebooks or sharing a meal with their friends. These classes are instrumental in these kids’ development, both nutritionally and educationally.

Belki Noelia Corea Rivas

We are very excited to have recently partnered with the Ministry of Education to help bring literacy programs to all ages. Yes, we are helping educate adults too! Over the past few months, our scholarship students have been receiving materials and training so that they can teach the adults in their communities how to read.

Perla Gonzalez Mejia

Parents are certainly proud as they witness their children expanding their education over the years. Can you imagine the pride the parents also feel to know they have a chance at learning how to read too? We can’t wait to share progress with you over the next few months and years. Adult literacy will change our communities in ways that we haven’t experienced before.

Our pride is overflowing as we see young and old come together for the greater good.

Megan Herrera