Socorro Ramos

Socorro Ramos is 67 years old and lives in El Paraíso. She is a single mother of four children and works on the El Paraíso farm as a cook.

Socorro Ramos

Prior to Rainbow Network, Socorro lived in very poor conditions, in a home with weak walls and a roof that leaked whenever it rained.

She applied to join the El Paraíso housing project so she could have a safe place to live with her children and their families.

Her children, skeptical of the project, told her she would never be able to pay her house off and warned her against joining the housing project for that reason. However, she dedicated herself to paying off her house with each paycheck, bonus and vacation time until she was able to pay it off.

She is one of the first families that was able to pay their house off in less time than expected. About three years ago, she decided to retire, and now she is able to enjoy the fruits of her labor and the house she can call her very own. Socorro is able to spend time with her family and rest knowing she is safe in her home.

Socorro Ramos